
Building on our ‘Fit for Life’ school ethos all students have the opportunity to be rewarded for being ‘Considerate’, ‘Skilled’ and / or ‘Resilient’ in and outside of the classroom.

The rewards system has three levels to recognise student engagement and achievement. We use an online system, Class Charts, this is used by all staff to award and track positive points. Parents also have access to Class Charts via the website or an APP, they can monitor their child’s points using ‘real time’ data. There are three levels of awards, these are linked to our school ethos; resilience, skill and consideration. Each level equates to points on class charts, these points then determine half termly and termly awards.

Top 20

At the end of each term we reward the top 20 (identified through class charts points) students with either:

  • A movie afternoon
  • A pizza lunch (Dominos)
  • A sports afternoon

These suggestions have come from student voice. The top 3 students in each group (determined by class charts points) are presented with an Amazon Voucher for the value of £20, £15, £5.

Weekly Assemblies

Each HOY identifies the top three attenders and the top three students (class charts points for that week) and they are celebrated in assembly and receive a fast track / cookie voucher.

End of term awards

The following rewards/certificates will be presented in assembly at the end of each half term:

As part of our award system at John Spence we use a system called Class Charts. Class Charts is an online system which allows us to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day. At John Spence we recognise the importance of clear and timely communication between home and school. Class Charts allows us to further enhance our strong relationships between school and home.

Access to Class Charts will give you timely updates of how your child is getting on in school that day, specifically sharing information with you about: positive and negative award points. Points awarded are linked to rewards and praise and they also allow us to identify students that need additional support. Students are keen to keep track of their points and having the app on your phone or computer will keep you up to date with how your child has been rewarded in school.

If you have more than one child, you can access Class Charts information about your children from a single, centralised parent account. Class Charts for parents can be accessed via the website, or through the iOS and Android apps which are free to download. At the beginning of the academic year you will receive a parent code to enable you to set up your Class Charts parent account.

It is an excellent system to keep you informed and in order to utilise its full potential you may wish to check it regularly, ideally each school day. In the meantime, here are some images of how class charts will look and what will be displayed on your parental dashboard.